Time Of Testing Home Page

Revelation 3:10 points to a time of testing that comes upon the end-times church. 

To the church era of Philadelphia, Messiah had nothing bad to say about their actions, as they proclaimed the Gospel during worldwide missions and shared the Scriptures through Bible societies. A Great Awakening took place in Europe and the U.S. and many were redeemed for the kingdom.

Because of this, He declared that they would not face to hour of temptation, the time of testing, that would come upon the last church age of Laodicea.

Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

Messiah’s message is primarily about Scriptural matters as the enemy has misled the end-times church age about many beliefs. But the church has also been misled about worldly things, such as His warning in Revelation 18:23 which points to the sorcery of the pharmaceutical industry being used to deceive the nations.

The enemy has conditioned people to believe that their manufactured products is food.

The enemy has conditioned people to believe that their poison is medicine.

The enemy has conditioned people to believe that their indoctrination is education.

The enemy has conditioned people to believe that their propaganda is news.

Worst of all, the enemy has conditioned people to believe that those who are aware of their strategies are the enemy.

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DISCLAIMER: I don’t claim to be right about everything. On this website, I share what I believe to be true and provide keywords and links so that you can do more research and decide for yourself.