This page about food deceptions is not meant to provide a detailed explanation, as that would entail too much information. My goal is to provide a summary of talking points, so that you can do more research, since most of what the lamestream media teaches is disinformation.

I will provide keywords and links to resources. It’s up to you to pursue the matter to find proof for yourself, which helps your learning process.

Food is your medicine and medicine is your food. Plants are not alternative medicine. They are the original medicine from our Creator.

Medical students receive minimal training of the effects of food, which is insane as food is one of the biggest factors in your state of health and diseases. Instead, they’ve been trained to prescribe drugs.

If your doctor does not ask about your food intake when diagnosing a health issue, you’re at a drug dealer’s office.

Here’s a summary of my recommendations:

CONSUME: Consume avocado oil, grass-fed cow butter, coconut oil, eggs from pasture-raised chickens, grass-fed beef, olive oil, raw milk, real salt.

DON’T CONSUME: Artificially colored foods, margarine or butter substitutes, gluten breads, seed oils (canola, corn, soybean, sunflower, safflower), table salt.

AMA – American Heart Association

The evil ones use names that sound like they represent your best interest, but their recommendations are not.

The AMA recommends products like Crisco and vegetable oils which are very harmful to the body. And they have articles written which condemn butter and coconut oil, which are very beneficial for you.


Mother’s milk contains the nutrients that a baby needs in an easily digestible format. The mother’s nipple senses the baby’s saliva to detect nutritional deficiencies and then the mother’s body produces the nutrient to give it to the baby via breast milk.

Newborn babies have low Vitamin-K levels because it allows the thinned blood to travel into all of the parts of the baby after being compressed during birth. It helps evacuate all of the blood from the birth sac to the baby, which is why you want to delay clamping so that all of the nutrient-rich blood is transferred to the baby.

The evil ones encourage women to not breast feed and to use formula, which contain toxic vegetable oils, sugar sources, soy and vitamins and minerals that are not easily digested by babies.


Arm & Hammer baking soda is synthetic as it’s made in a lab and is not good for you. Natural baking soda is mined from evaporated lake beds and is good for your body pH levels.


100% grass-fed beef contains many nutrients, including CLA (Conjugated Linolic Acid) which helps you maintain muscle and lose excess fat.

Fat from a 100% grass-fed cow has nutrients in it.

Grain-fed cows have lower nutrition value in their meat.

When a cow is grain-finished, the nutrients decline, so the fat is not good for you.

Grains may include GMO products like soy, which are not good for you.


Black Pepper in your meal increases the amount of nutrients absorbed into your bloodstream. It stimulates hydrochloric acid in the stomach to digest and absorb the foods you eat. pepperine

Turmeric with lack pepper and fat

CDC – Center for Disease Control

The evil ones use names that sound like they represent your best interest, but their recommendations are not.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends grains and fat-free and low-fat milk products.

But most grains have glyphosate sprayed on them, and the fat in milk from grass-few cows is good for you.


We’ve been told that eggs, specifically egg yolks, should be avoided as they increase cholesterol and clog arteries.

What cholesterol actually does is make up 20% of the brain. It’s a powerful antioxidant. It boosts testosterone, Vitamin D and mood. It protects the heart. And it increases longevity.

Your liver produces 70-80% of total cholesterol in the body, which shows how essential it is for the health of the body. To proclaim that cholesterol is bad for you is an evil concept which is designed to impact your health, and to make billions from selling statin drugs which have many side effects.

Now you see why the evil ones tell us to not eat eggs.


Artificial colors in food is toxic to the body. Many of the foods that are marketed to children are full of these colors.

Red 40 (aka Allura Red AC) can cause hyperactivity and various types of cancer.

Red 3 (aka Erythrosine) can cause thyroid cancer and chromosomal damage.

Yellow 5 (aka Tartrazine) can cause hyperactivity, chromosomal damage and thyroid tumors.

Yellow 6 (aka Sunset Yellow FCF) can cause hyperactivity, and kidney and adrenal gland tumors.

Green 3 (aka Fast Green FCF) can cause bladder and testes tumors.

Blue 1 (aka Brilliant Blue FCF) can cause hyperactivity, chromosomal damage, kidney tumors and asthma.

Blue 2 (aka Indigotine) can cause hyperactivity, chromosomal damage, and brain and bladder tumors.

Natural Alternatives.

Beet colors.


No microwave, changes structure cause nutrients to decrease.


Oil goes rancid when exposed to light, oxygen and heat.

To make cooking oils profitable, companies expose seed oils to light, oxygen and heat during during processing, which removes nutrients and makes the oil toxic. They also expose it to chemicals like hexane to deodorize the oil so that it doesn’t smell.

Canola oil, aka rapeseed oil, is toxic. Safflower, soybean, corn, sunflower, peanut and palm oil sound like healthy options, but due to processing, they are void of nutrients and harmful to the body.

The evil ones use the media and doctors to condemn good oils with biased misinformation.

Linoleic Acid in cooking oils is very bad for you.

BAD OILS: Safflower  has 70%, Grape seed has 70%, Sunflower has 68%, Corn has 54%, Cottonseed has 52%, Soybean has 51%, Rice bran has 44%, Peanut has 32% and Canola has 19%.

GOOD OILS: Olive oil has 10%, avocado oil has 10%, tallow has 3%, butter has 2%, coconut oil has 2%.

Most olive oil on the shelves of grocery stores is made up of seed oils with a little olive oil.

When you taste real olive oil, you know the difference.

Your brain is 60% fat. It is continually rebuild using the fat that you give it. If you give it bad oils, you can end up with brain issues.

Adding butter or MCT (Medium-Chain Triglyceride) oil to you coffee helps feed good oils to your brain, for optimal health.


The evil ones have demonized egg yolks as they know that they are full of nutrients.

Egg yolks have Vitamin A, B12, K2 and D3




It’s not always true, but you would be a healthier person if you don’t do what the government recommends, and you  do what government doesn’t recommend.


Naturally processed wheat has about 5% gluten and an enzyme call protease that helps our body process gluten, so for most people there is no gluten problem.

Modern wheat processing practices cause bread to have around 30% gluten, which is a large increase. And it removes the protease enzyme, so that your body can’t process the gluten effectively.

Many people who are considered gluten intolerant can eat homemade bread that is processed naturally, and they tolerate it okay.


The evil ones have conditioned farmers to spray glyphosate (Round-Up) on the wheat to maximize their yield. 

They even have them spray it during the last phase of growth, which leaves the glyphosate on the wheat berry, so that when the wheat is processed into flour it contains glyphosate.

Many people suffer from glyphosate poisoning.

Be aware that other ingredients such as oats which are used for gluten-intolerant people, also have glyphosate it, so it still creates digestive issues.




Most of what is in the store is food-like products, with many extra ingredients.

Shop around the edges of the store in the dairy, produce and meat sections. Stay out of the aisles with bag and boxes.

As I’ve studied nutrition during the last twenty years, it’s become obvious that the closer to nature that a food is, the better it is for you as our Creator gave us the nutrients we need to thrive.

An example is nuts. Roasting nuts makes them taste good, but it also reduces the nutrients. Organic, raw nuts taste very different than roasted one and they contain a lot of minerals and vitamins. It’s hard to find organic, raw nuts. I get mine at, which is a family owned business.


The evil ones have demonized raw milk because they know that it’s full of nutrients.

The pasteurization process causes nutrients to be destroyed in milk, including lactase the enzyme that helps people digest lactose.

Raw cow milk has lactase which helps people digest milk properly.

Be sure to get milk for an A2 type cow, as the protein and fat are more digestible that from other cow types.

Some states don’t allow people to buy raw milk from a store, but you can enter into a coop agreement with a local dairy farm to be able to access their milk shares.

Click here to find local raw milk providers.


Most soy is GMO. In women, it can disrupts their hormones as it contains estrogen. In men, it can cause feminine traits such as the formation of gynecomastia, little breasts in their chest.


Names of excitoxens.

Primary spices – turmeric, garlic, cinnamon, cayenne.


Vitamins are found in animal products especially when they are naturally raised. 

Vitamin A – Cod liver oil, egg yolks, raw butter, liver.

Vitamin B12 – Organ meat, raw dairy, eggs, beef, wild fish.

Vitamin K2 – Raw cheese, dark chicken, egg yolks, liver.

Vitamin D3 – Wild fish, eggs, raw butter, cod liver oil.



Dr. Eric Berg DC

Dr. Mercola

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and licensed practitioner and I am not making any recommendations about what you should do about your health. I am sharing what I have found that has helped me optimize my health. Please consult a trustworthy financial advisor for more information.