This page about health deceptions is not meant to provide a detailed explanation, as that would entail too much information. My goal is to provide a summary of talking points, so that you can do more research, since most of what the lamestream media teaches is disinformation.

I will provide keywords and links to resources. It’s up to you to pursue the matter to find proof for yourself, which helps your learning process.

The National Education Association was founded by John D. Rockefeller, who said “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.”

This is another case of an agency having a name which implies that it has American’s interests at heart, but is really used to further the evil ones agenda.

Students are rewarded for parroting what they are taught by professors and books, so that if they parrot the answers on the test, they seem smart.

Students are not taught to think for themselves, the apply discernment and to think outside of the box.

The evil ones control the education system to create complacent workers, not rugged individualists who pose a threat to them.

They use fluoride in the water and toothpaste to calcify the pineal gland in the brain, to dumb people down.

They mold us with a non-stop stream of violence and immorality via TV and movies, to shape our beliefs, and use subliminal messaging to send suggestions directly into our subconscious mind.


In the Asch conformity experiment, almost 60% of people ignored reality, in order to comply to group pressure, even though the group was wrong.


I have no doubt that there are tens of millions of people who have been programmed at a high-level, especially military personal who were subjected to medications and intense emotional trauma.

Many of them who can be ‘activated’ to carry out tasks, such as was told in the Jason Bourne movie series.

Some people are ‘remove viewers, meaning their mind has been programmed to allow others to see what they are seeing, like a remote camera.


It’s not a coincidence that TV shows are called programs, because they are designed to reprogram your mind according to how the evil ones want you to think.

They cause people to parrot what they are taught on the news and talk shows, so that they have ‘talking points.’ This causes them to reject what truthers are trying to tell them, as the talking points have been programmed into their minds.