This page about health deceptions is not meant to provide a detailed explanation, as that would entail too much information. My goal is to provide a summary of talking points, so that you can do more research, since most of what the lamestream media teaches is disinformation.

I will provide keywords and links to resources. It’s up to you to pursue the matter to find proof for yourself, which helps your learning process.


Keep your healthy children away from the pediatrician’s office. Doctors make money pushing shots, which can harm or kill your child.

Minimize the amount of toxins coming into your body and maximize the amount of toxins coming out of your body.

Minimize intake of vegetable oils, Refined polyunsaturated oils and hydrogenated fats; carbohydrates, sugar, white flour and high fructose corn syrup.

Your body knows how to defend itself when given the right nutrients. It does not need pharmaceutic shots that can cause damage to the body and death.

Do not use deodorant with aluminum in it, as it stops the body from eliminating toxins in the upper body, which can lead to cancer.

Fasting for three days causes your immune system and body to reboot. It helps get rid of cells that were substandard.

Exposure to sunlight causes your body to take in the energy of the sun and create natural Vitamin D, which is vital for optimal health.

Consistent deep sleep comes from having a routine.

Spending time in nature relaxes the body. Pinene in Pine trees helps clear your lungs.

Eating foods that are in their natural state helps you get all of the nutrients from them.

Exercising keeps your heart, muscles and bones strong, and it helps purge your lymph system of toxins.

Filter your water to remove chlorine, fluoride and other toxins.

Use iron, stainless steel or ceramic pans for cooking; not ones with Teflon or other coatings which can come off and get into your food.

Use vinegar and baking soda and lemon for cleaning; not chemical cleaners.

Infrared saunas relieve your mind and body of stress, and help sweat toxins out of your body.

Celtic salt replenishes the minerals in your body, which are vital for optimal sleep and health.

Grounding yourself by walking barefoot, wearing a ground strap and sleeping on a silver-lined sheet, helps calm your body.

Laughter helps.

Long hugs.

Long walks are beneficial for optimal weight and health.

Reading books enhances your knowledge and relaxes your body.


Billionaire John D. Rockefeller was the primary person who transformed the medical field from a naturopathic one to an allopathic one, as it increases the elites profits from perpetuating illnesses in people.

John D. Rockefeller offered massive grants to the top medical schools, under the agreement that only his approved curriculum be taught. The healing powers of herbs, plants and diet were erased from most medical textbooks.

Doctors who opposed the plan were crucified in the media and removed from the AMA and stripped of their license to practice medicine.

Allopathic medicine is a science-based system of treating disease and symptoms with drugs, surgery, radiation, and other conventional medical treatments. It’s also known as biomedicine, conventional medicine, mainstream medicine, orthodox medicine, and Western medicine.

Big pharma pays doctors, hospitals, researchers, medical schools, the FDA, politicians, lawyers, lobbyists, the media and celebrities; so that they all have a financially-incentivized bias.

It’s easier to rule over weak, sick and poisoned people.


Here’s another case of the name seemingly promoting health in Americans, but the opposite is true as many of their recommendations work against having a strong immune system.

The symbol of the American Medical Association includes a snake entwined around a pole. This points to the sorcery that is referring to in Revelation 18:23, for by thy (the evil ones) sorceries were all nations deceived.

They control the Association of American Medical Colleges, which determines the teaching criteria for medical students that promotes a drug-oriented science, not basic ‘preventative’ nutrition. And they control the American Medical Association, to enforce their ‘sickcare’ industry, which promotes their pharmaceutical drugs.

Modern science says whatever money wants it to say. 

Naturopathic medicine is one that uses the plants that our Creator provided to treat health challenges. The evil ones create funded studies to proclaim that natural solutions are dangerous, when the truth is the the allopathic medicines with all of their side-effects are cause of many health issues and death.

President Thomas Jefferson declared, “If the people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”

Do you see how this has come true?

In 1959, Aldous Huxley proclaimed “There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it.”

We are in that next generation. They use medications and fluoride in the water to dumb people down and make them calm, so that they won’t fight back.


Alzheimer’s Disease is a result of aluminum in the brain.



Cooking with aluminum foil leads to aluminum leaching into food, even exceeding safety limits at times. Factors like acidity, salt content, fat, temperature and cooking time affect leaching rates.

Aluminum accumulation in your body is linked to neurological issues, including Alzheimer’s, autism, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. It also affects bone health and causes anemia.


Healthy blood pressure used be 100 plus your age.

That simple rule of thumb was changed in 1977 by a cutoff of 160/95 separating ‘normal’ from ‘high’ blood pressure. That number was then reduced to 140/80 and now a reading of 130/80 is the target.

Why would they change the target? So that they can sell more pills to make more money.


The blue light wavelengths of computer monitors and mobile phones are not good for your eyes and they can cause insomnia.

Wear blue blocker 65% glasses during the day and 98% at night.


Cancer ‘treatment‘ is a multi-billion Dollar industry for the evil ones, so they have no incentive to provide cures.

John D. Rockefeller founded the American Cancer Society to suppress the information that their drugs can lead to cancer and to suppress cures.

Natural cures for cancer already exist, but the evil ones suppress them, to make more money with cancer treatment and drugs.

Dr. Lee Merritt says that the evil ones know that cancer is parasites, but they’re not letting anyone know because they don’t want to lose their funding.

Ivermectin kills parasites and may be an effective treatment, which is why the evil ones demonize its use for CV, cancer, etc.

In 2015, the development of Ivermectin won a Nobel prize for its effectiveness against parasite illnesses.

Here are some holistic options that may help with cancer: 

Cannabis Oil

Dandelion Root has proven to be effective against pancreatic cancer cells, colon cancer cells and melanoma cultures.

Fasting starves cancer of sugar so that it dies. Fasting for three days helps reboot the immune system to fight cancer.

Laetrile – B17. Read the book World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17

Lemon – Blend a whole organic lemon with a cup of warm water and drink it first thing in the morning before food.

Sugar – stop eating sugar as it’s the primary fuel source of cancer. Without it, cancer will die off.

Soursop is reportedly 4000x stronger than chemo with no side effects

Yellow Dock Root


Here are some natural products that optimize heart health

Arginine research won a 1998 Nobel Prize in medicine. 5mg causes vasodilation of blood vessels to help keep them clear of buildup.

Aged Garlic Extract strengthens your cardiovascular system & promotes overall heart health.


Contrails are made up of moisture and they dissipate quickly. Chemtrails are made up of chemicals which spread out into chemical clouds and a hazy sky.

Chemtrails can contain aluminum, barium, cadmium, copper, lead, lithium, mercury silver, silica and sulfate; which ends up on crops, on trees which makes them more flammable, and in the water supply.

This means that they end up inside our bodies, so we need to use chlorella, cilantro and other plants to pull them out of our body.





Parents are told to only give a child one new food at a time, to be able to know if it causes an allergic reaction. Yet somehow parents think that it’s okay to inject many vx at once into a child’s body.

There is a direct correlation between the increase in child vaccines and autism.

Here’s what a perfectly healthy baby receives from 0-12 months pre the CDC 2025 Childhood vaccine schedule.

1x Resperatory Syncyctial Virus (RSV)
3x Hepatitis B (HepB)
3x Rotavirus
3x Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (DTaP)
3x Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
4x Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV15)
3x Polio (IPV)
1x COVID19
1x Influenza
1x Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR)
1x Varicella
2x Hepatitis A (HepA)

26 doses made by habitually criminal companies that aren’t liable for injury/death and profit from perpetual disease injected into a perfectly healthy baby.

It makes no sense to give a newborn a Hep-B shot as you only need that if you’re shooting up drugs or sleeping with whorish people; so it doesn’t apply to a newborn.

The Vit-K shot is not needed as colostrum in mother’s milk contains Vitamin K. It’s low in a baby for a reason, so that the blood is thin and can empty out of the birth sack and get into places in the baby’s body that need it after being compressed during birth.

The blood-brain barrier is not fully developed in newborns until they are a few months old, so they are very susceptible to exposure to aluminum and other toxins.

Aluminum is in the Hib, Hep-A, Hep-B, HPV, Influenza and MenB shots, which means that a child’s mind is being filled with aluminum which can result in autism.

Doctors get paid by pharmaceutical companies every time they administer the shots. And they get large bonuses if they give shots to a high percentage of their patients. This explains why they push them so aggressively, because they want the bonuses.

Read the book Murder By Injection – The Story Of The Medical Conspiracy Against America by Eustace Mullins


Microwaves change the food chemically. They strip the nutrients out of the food, so that you only get calories but not nutrition.


Covid is a type of flu. Before the Covid-19 agenda, 40-45k people died every year in the U.S. from flu complications.

During Covid-19, the evil ones attributed all flu deaths to Covid deaths, to skew the numbers.

They used the PCR test, which according to its developer, Cary Mullis, is not designed to detect a disease. He said that a positive result can be found for anything if you run the test enough times. So the PCR test was giving positives because they magnified the results many times.

REV 18:23 INFO.

To increase the supposed Covid deaths, to push their narrative, they had hospitals put people on the drug Remdesivir (also called Veklury) which shuts down the organs.  And they put people on high-pressure closed-loop ventilators which damaged their lungs.

Hospitals were financially rewarded for tagging people as positive, medicating them with Remdesivir and putting them on the ventilators; which is criminally fraudulent.

The evil ones demonized the use of Ivermectin to treat CV-19.

Read: Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19


Most deoderants contain aluminum to fill the pores of your arm pits so that you don’t sweat.

But your body is designed to get rid of toxins through sweat, so this keeps toxins in your body. The toxins them collect in the lymph nodes in the area and it’s not coincidence that the majority of breast cancer tumors are in the outer upper quadrant, closest to the arm pit.



Big Pharma and the FDA are the same entity. The FDA pretends to protect Americans while pushing pharma drugs that harm them.

It’s not always true, but you would be a healthier person if you don’t do what the government recommends, and you  do what government doesn’t recommend.




In 1953, the Rockefeller Foundation caused the music industry to change from the natural harmonic resonance 432hz to 440hz which is disruptive.

174hz is a natural anesthetic
432hz a miracle tone of nature
538hz repairs DNA
963hz activates pineal gland


Our bodies have an electrical current which can be affected by exposure the electromagnetic frequencies. To discharge the body for optimal health it needs to be grounded to the earth.

You can walk barefoot on grass and soil.

You can sit on the grass.

You can use a mattress sheet that has 10% silver threads in it, which is connected to the electric ground of your house.


Compact Fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) emit a light bandwidth that suppresses the immune system. It can cause insomnia, stress, eye pain, headaches and more. The electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) are harmful to the body. And if they are broken, the mercury in them is toxic.

CFL and LED bulbs can damage skin, eyes and your immune system. They email excessive blue light which is harmful to the eyes and can cause headachs. They emit EMF radiation. CFLs contain mercury, so if they are broken in the house.

LED lightbulbs are also bad for our eyes and health. The blue light levels are enough to cause macular degeneration. The blue light fries your eyes and your endocrine system and nervous system.

Incandescent lightbulbs have a balanced light spectrum, no EMF or excess blue light.. I use Edison bulbs.


Mammograms put radiation in the very place that you don’t want it.

Over time, the radiation from the yearly mammograms can result in cancer.

There are safer alternatives such as thermal imaging.


They control the American Dental Association and force dentists to continue using mercury amalgams which are toxic.


Consume Cilantro to remove lead, mercury and aluminum.


Here’s some natural ways to destroy parasites: Pumpkin seeds, papaya seeds, oregano oil, black walnut oil, clove, grapefruit seed extract, wormwood, olive leaf extract, coconut oil, bitter melon.


The pineal gland in the brain helps us have discernment, to have a sixth sense, to see truth, which is why it’s called the third eye.

The evil ones target the pineal gland to dumb people down by putting fluoride in the water and tooth paste, which causes the pineal gland to calcify, harden, rendering it ineffective.





Just 20 minutes of sunshine per day triggers your body to release over 200 antimicrobials that fight fungi, parasites and viruses.

The sun gives the earth and our body energy. The body uses the sun rays to produce Vitamin D to optimize our health.  The evil ones have created narratives to reduce your Vitamin D, so that you tend to be sick, which maximizes their profits as they control the medical and pharmaceutical industries.


Wearing sunscreen prevents the skin from getting sunlight, which reduces the amount of Vitamin D our body produces.

Most sunscreens have many chemicals, which is absorbed into our bodies, which reduces our health. And the sunscreens wash off in the water and can collect on marine animals and plants, which blocks the beneficial sun rays and causing problems for them.


Wearing sunglasses causes sunlight to not hit the eyes, which makes the body unaware that it’s in the sun so that it protect itself.  When the eyes tell the body that it’s in the sun, it prepares the skin so that it’s not as likely to burn.



SV-40 (which is made from the kidneys of rhesus monkeys) was added to some shots, including the CV VX. It is shown to be a cancer promoter and some believe it grows cancer wildly in front of blue light computer screens and other blue light sources.

This may be why people are dying from what is called ‘turbo cancer’ as they quickly become stage 3-4 by the time it’s detected.


Vitamin D is vital for a healthy body, but you don’t hear government agencies, medical associations and most doctors recommending getting sun exposure on a regular basis so that your body manufactures Vitamin D.

And you don’t hear them encouraging supplementation so that your body has this vital nutrient.

The reason is that it’s a low-cost nutrient that they can’t make a lot of money on, and low Vitamin D levels results in many health complications so that they can push their profitable pharmaceutical drugs.

A good bioavailable source of Vitamin D is Cholecalciferol and it’s best to get a formula with vitamin K2 to maximize benefits. 


The government proclaims that they battle against drugs, yet they are more rampant than ever.


Municipal water can contain pathogens, bacteria, pesticides, hormones, fluoride, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, arsenic, aluminum, lead, perchlorate and mercury.

Chlorine in your bath and shower contribute to dry hair and skin, and can lead to skin issues like eczema.

A whole-house filter is ideal. A reverse-osmosis filter in your kitchen gets rid of chlorine, fluoride and other toxins. A shower filter eliminates chlorine and other toxins.

Water bottles can leach plastic into the water that you’re drinking.


Dr. Eric Berg DC

Dr. Mercola

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and licensed practitioner and I am not making any recommendations about what you should do about your health. I am sharing what I have found that has helped me optimize my health. Please consult a trustworthy financial advisor for more information.