This page about weather deceptions is not meant to provide a detailed explanation, as that would entail too much information. My goal is to provide a summary of talking points, so that you can do more research, as what the lamestream media teaches is disinformation.
I will provide keywords and links to resources. It’s up to you to pursue the matter to find the proof for yourself, which helps your learning process.
William Cohen, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, said “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts.”
Using the narrative of climate change, the evil ones can force taxes on products to enrich themselves, and they can control nations and people.
They control the weather and cause it to have more intense storms, so that they can blame climate change.
Weather channel dude, other climatologists, not true.
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry has published over 140 scientific books. She says that climate change is a hoax. Gets no media coverage.
Instead, a high school dropout named Greta Thunberg who is not a scientists, gets media coverage, reads a script.
Beam powerful low frequencies into spot to cause the earth to rumble, slip.
They use Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) which are high-powered lasers from aircraft to ignite fires anywhere they want. This is why they can appear and spread so quickly, such as the fires in Wyoming during October 2024.
Here’s a photo of a large jet with a laser mounted at the back. Nikola Tesla whose research revealed how powerful frequencies and laser could be used for good, also pointed to how they could be used for evil.
Paradise California has neighborhoods that were surrounded by trees destroyed, with even the structural timbers burnt to the ground, yet the trees around the homes were not harmed; pointing to the precision of the DEW lasers.
Lahiana, Maui, HI was destroyed to push the native people out so that the elite could control the area for a Smart City redevelopment.
Vehicles on Front Street which had no trees near them and the ocean on the other side, were burned out and the aluminum rims melted; which points to the high temperatures of the DEW lasers.
Hurricanes can be guided by heating the water ahead of the storm to give it a path.
Planes can fly into the eye of the hurricane to drop dry ice to increase the intensity.
Operation name
Once inland, NexRad stations that around positioned around the country, are used to repel the storm in order to guide its path and to cause it to stall.
We saw this played out in North Carolina in October 2024, which led to 20-30 inches of rain being dumped on the mountains which lead to the valley towns being flooded.
Dane Wigington YouTube Channel – Geoengineering Watch website